who are we?

melanie (אֶסְתֵּר)
they/it + neos
hi! i'm your local disabled jewitch lesbian and co-founder of shtetl shabbos alongside river and phoenix. i'm a bit of a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to learning and practicing jewish magic/witchcraft. i also incorporate other familial folk traditions into my practice as well, namely appalachian, pa dutch, irish and german traditions. i love leading the server alongside my fellow community leaders, running this website, hosting events and clubs, writing educational pieces and moderating our discord server to make sure everyone has a good time.

river (חַיָּה)
shalom! i am one of the co-founders along with melly and pheonix. i am a jewish and slavic folk practitioner. i specialize in hearth magic and ancestral veneration. i love learning about new things, so i am constantly trying to research something new. i am a big fan of prioritizing community and seek to create not just an online community for jewitches of all kinds, but also a physical one. the discord is genuinely one of my favorite online spaces, the fellow staff are wonderful and do such a good job, and the community itself is very warm and welcoming. its all around a good time. i also run the servers social media on instagram and tiktok. when I am not participating in our online community, but you still see me online, i am most likely playing the sims or minecraft. i love creating things in my fictional universes.

phoenix/riley (יוסף)
any pronouns
kadin (ניצן)
he/it + neos
hi! i’m jewish (ger) and a witch! i converted through the reform denomination, however i’ve been practicing witchcraft years before my conversion. my craft is pretty eclectic, i mainly focus on hearth magic, divination (tarot/oracle/pendulum/etc), crystals, astrology, and more (and of course jewish mysticism)! it’s been amazing to be and help and be in a jewitch community like this! not only is this community very educational, also very accepting.

fireplace system (TBA)
lia (TBA)
(PLACEHOLDER) hi! i’m jewish (ger) and a witch! i converted through the reform denomination, however i’ve been practicing witchcraft years before my conversion. my craft is pretty eclectic, i mainly focus on hearth magic, divination (tarot/oracle/pendulum/etc), crystals, astrology, and more (and of course jewish mysticism)! it’s been amazing to be and help and be in a jewitch community like this! not only is this community very educational, also very accepting.