what we're all about

our mission

to create a safe space where self-identified jewitches can meet to learn, create and bond over our shared intrest in jewish magic, mystycism and folk practice

our values

b’tzelem elohim (shared humanity) ~ we believe we are all made in the image of g-d and are thus deserving of kindness, respect and compassion from one another. we will treat others the way we want to be treated and put eachothers humanity above all else.

shayachut (belonging) ~ we believe every jew belongs here, regardless of ones identity or background. this explicitly means including bipoc jews, queer jews, disabled and nuerodivergent jews, alterhuman jews, jewish systems, interfaith jews and converts.

tzedek (justice) ~ we believe to create a better world, we must seek out justice and fairness. we will never tolerate bigotry or harmful behaviours and they will be stomped out of our space. we will also always put community considerations and concerns first to ensure our space is the best it can be.

simcha (joy) ~ we will always highlight jewitch joy and strive to create a space that is productive in its positivity.

da'at (knowledge) ~ we believe that knowledge is power and we will always have more to learn. we strive to create a space that focuses on learning and growing and allowing space for us to be wrong and correct ourselves when new knowledge is presented.

y'tziyratiyut (creativity) ~ we will always higlight creativity within our community and strive to use our creative thinking to problem solve, create new traditions and rituals, and find new ways to do things.